That was easy, wasn't it? Well, it's true. The girls get me the most compliments, not just because they are cute but because they can have very outgoing personalities. In the right mood, they are downright impossible to ignore. Case in point: pushing them around Target with Sophie yelling "Mewwy Cwistmas!" and Liv saying "Ho ho ho!" to every one we pass. I try not to be one of those crazy moms who get addicted to their kids getting attention, but I do feel a weird pang of jealousy whenever a child near us gets a compliment and the girls don't. Madness, right? But they are such an extension of me, it's hard not to take such things personally.
Besides the girls though? The thing that comes to mind is my handwriting. Which is funny because for years I had horrible handwriting. Then I took some drafting classes in college, and my writing changed to all caps forever and people seem to like it. I had to work very hard to re-train myself to write in proper D'Nealian in order to teach Kindergarten!